Yamada Logistics Private Limited (YAMADA)
Yamada offers modern, scientific and IT enabled storage and preservation services for the entire range of agricultural and other commodities. Our warehouses spread across the country issuing credible and reliable warehouse receipts (WHRs) and are accredited by the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (MCX) for accepting physical deliveries of commodities traded in the commodity futures market.

Our WHRs issued against commodities deposited in our warehouses, are treated on par with the receipts of CWC/SWC, and are accepted by various Banks for funding. Banks lend against our WHRs on the strength of our scientific storage and preservation practices.

We will conduct due diligence of storage facilities and taking custody of the stocks on behalf of the banks and providing regular and timely MIS on stock quantity, quality and maintenance actions. This engenders greater insurability of errors, omissions, negligence, fraud or wrong doings.
WHR Finance Facilities
For providing warehouse receipt finance (WHR Finance) Yamada Logistics already executed collateral management agreement (CM Agreement) with Kotak Mahindra Bank.


  • SOP, CM/ Ops manual and procedure book
  • Inspection of warehouse (Dry and Cold storage) facilities
  • Inspection and certifications of stocks
  • Supervise the conduct of sampling for quality check and weighment of the
  • Taking possession of the waybill & other associated document that accompany the produce to be pledged and keeping it safe in order of arrival till such time the release order from the bank has reached.
  • Marking the bank’s lien in the register maintained by the warehouse.
  • Coordinate assaying and certification
  • Consolidation of original warehouse receipt serially and depositing it with the Bank.
  • Securing the product on which lien is marked.
  • Right tagging, stacking and segregation of the produce in the indentifiedspace.
  • Security ( including insurance) of stocks in the storage area demarcated for WHRF.
  • Periodic update on status of stocks
  • Disposal of stocks
  • Periodic Audits of stocks and process
  • Regular quality and quantity checks of the produce and sending the report on monthly basis to the bank.
  • Regular check of warehouse receipt, maintenance of warehouse ledger and sending monthly reports.
  • A strong network at various production location and market
  • Audit facilities to minimize errors and enhance the overall efficiency in loan.
  • To notify the bank in case any supplemental stock is delivered in case of margin call.
  • Vast network across India
  • Physical Platform for Future Commodity Exchange MCX
  • Warehouse operation manual/ Standard operating procedures ( SOP) are already in place
  • Professional Warehousing Services
  • Training and Development of employees as per requirement.
  • Warehouse Receipt Finance
  • Commodity Inventory Management
  • Working on SAP System for better service.
  • Rich Experience of managing Pan – India
  • Quality Testing & Certifications.